Padsicles. They are such heaven during the immediate postpartum period. After a vaginal birth the vaginal area is swollen and sore. The hospital gives you ice packs and witch hazel pads but it is nice to have a pit more relief. In walks the postpartum padsicle.
What is a Padsicle? They are frozen pads that are soaked in aloe and witch hazel. They provide a soothing relief along with some healing power.

What you need:
- Extra Heavy Pad (I opted for Chlorine Free)
- Witch Hazel
- Aloe
- Zip Lock Bag or Stasher Bag

How to make a postpartum padsicle?

1. Remove one pad from the wrapper and place it in a dish.
2. Squeeze about a tablespoon or two of witch hazel on the pad, soaking the pad.
3. Using the back of a spoon or knife spread two tablespoons of aloe over the length of the pad.
4. Fold up the pad and place back in to wrapper.
5. Place all the pads in to a ziplock bag.
6. Freeze.

When you need one remove from freezer, let it sit out for a minute or two and then use it like a normal pad. If you are using it during the first few days postpartum you may need to use with a hospital grade postpartum pad (you know what I am talking about) for extra absorbency due to heavy bleeding
I made sure that I picked pads, witch hazel and aloe that were free from harmful and questionable ingredients. It’s shocking what is in most pads and aloe!
Postpartum is a journey and healing is the first stage of the journey. Take it slow mama and enjoy every moment.