Yoga Props. I love them! I never fully realized the value of them until I started taking Prenatal Yoga. Props such as a blanket, block, strap and bolster can help make achieving a pose more attainable and allow you to reach the full benefit of the pose. In class I like to say “Lets bring the floor to you instead of you to the floor”!
Props are essential for prenatal yoga but also great for yoga for athletes or anyone else with less flexibility.
Let’s dive in on how to use a yoga blanket. Most studios have Mexican Blankets available. They are great because you can easily fold them to get different thicknesses. If you have a home practice any blanket or towel you have around the house will also work.
In Easy Sitting pose (Sukhasana) place the folded blanket under your sit bones. This allows your knees to be lower than your hips. This will make sitting up tall more comfortable and attainable. You may have to fold the blanket up more than shown in the example. You can use the blanket the same this way in any seated pose.
In Seated Forward Bend pose (Paschimottanasana) the blanket can be used in the same way as Easy Sitting pose to help bring ease to the forward bend.
Place the blanket across you mat and under your knees in table pose or gate pose. This will help cushion the knees. For some people their knees are sensitive or their mats are too thin and they need the extra cushioning.
Malasana is a low squat and key to opening the pelvis. If your heels do not settle into the ground place your heels on the edge of a folded blanket.
In pigeon pose tight hips will cause the hip to not settle down and open. Placing a blanket under the hip will take the pressure off the hip and support it. This will allow the hip to relax and open.
Have you used a yoga blanket before? If not which way are you going to use it in your next practice?