Over the years my husband and I have made small changes in our lives to make ourselves and our family healthier. We switched our diet: we read labels, cut out processed food, bought more local and organic produce, ate grass fed beef and pasture raised chickens. We worked out: we were avid triathletes and addicted yogis. We swapped our cleaning products and laundry detergents for nontoxic brands. We recycled, grew our own vegetables, and composted. We lived a holistic lifestyle. We did this for ourselves and our kids. We knew exposing them to fewer toxins lowered cancer risks and better supported their immune systems against everyday sicknesses. We knew these changes made us all more resilient and healthier overall.
One thing I didn’t think about much until I had my second kid was that what we put on our skin every day matters just as much as all of the other the things we were doing combined. I had been using the same moisturizer , deodorant, soap, and shampoo for most of my life. I had never realized that most of these products contain ingredients that are known to be toxic or cancer causing. More importantly, I had never thought about how it’s legal to use these ingredients since the US has very few regulations for the cosmetic industry. It was a company named BeautyCounter that finally opened my eyes. I was introduced to BC via a holist blog and podcast, and I quickly realized how much what I put on my body matters. As a breastfeeding mom I realized the skin care products could impact my milk, and thus my daughter, as much as the food I ate and medicine I took. I started slowly switching out my makeup and skin care products with BeautyCounter products. I loved the products for the quality, as well as the fact that they don’t contain harmful products, and are regularly self-tested to ensure that.
In June 2018 I decided to take the leap to be a consultant. I thought I was doing it for the discount (which is great), but I soon realized that I actually I did it to become a voice. Even if I don’t put a lot of time into it, or make a lot of money, I still want to impact people’s lives by educating them. What it comes down to is education. We all need to be educated so we can make the best decisions for ourselves and our families. Without education we are just following along blindly, all to the detriment of our futures.